The agency-structure problem in foreign policy analysis pdf

It was a pleasure and an honour to spend a semester january 2014 july 2014 as a postdoctoral research fellow at the lse hellenic observatory, during which i was preoccupied with the topic of agentstructure in international relations theory and foreign policy analysis, attempting to apply the conclusions reached in that field to the analysis of greek foreign policy towards. This second edition builds on and expands the theoretical canvas of foreign policy analysis, shaping its ongoing dialogue. The agentstructure issue in foreign policy analysis fpa. International relations theory is typically associated with the former, and foreign policy analysis fpa is more closely linked to the latter. Pdf the agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis. Foreign policy analysis also draws upon the study of diplomacy, war, intergovernmental organisations, and economic sanctions, each of which are means by which a state may implement foreign policy. The agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis walter carlsnaes uppsala university the starting point of this article is the argument that scholars of foreign policyin contrast to international relations theoristshave not sufficiently faced up to the explanatory implications of the agencystructure issue in the philosophy of social science. Cdcs policy analytical framework ad for policy and.

In the social sciences there is a standing debate over the primacy of structure or agency in shaping human behaviour. Walter carlsnaes, the agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis. In depth essays and commentary delivered by foremost experts on the theory and practice of u. The analysis, however, also shows that the german debate was comprehensive and included an extensive discussion of the legitimacy of intervention. Agency is the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. The book emphasizes the importance of individuals in foreign policy decision making, while also placing decision makers within their context. The foreign policy of each state is based on a set of principles usually stipulated in its laws. Theories focusing exclusively on the macroscopic scale of analysis emerged in the 1970s. Actors, structures, and foreign policy analysis politics. The american spirit is hardening in world affairs, although we have played the role of leading power for just ten years. In doing so, the author has two principal ambitions. Agency problem arises when incentives or motivations.

International rela tions and foreign policy analysis. Counterinsurgency policy in the philippines roxanne lynn doty european integration and security. Pdf the agentstructure problem in international relations. Although the agentstructure debate is abstract, this continuum is a flexible and accessible analytical tool that can be used in both high school and undergraduate classrooms. Thus, in its dealings with other states, nations are guided by certain principles usually emanating. In the subfield of foreign policy analysis fpa, as well as in the wider discipline of international relations ir, an issue that has vexed analysts from different theoretical perspectives is that which is referred to as the agencystructure problem. Whether or not scientific realism is the new orthodoxy in the philosophy of natural science is undoubtedly a contentious issue among realists and empiricists, but it has in any case made sufficient inroads that the minnesota center for the philosophy of science, long an important bastion of empiricism, held a yearlong institute in 198586 which, among other things, focused explicitly. Foreignpolicy analysis political science britannica. David singers 1969 early article on the level of analysis problem and peter gourevitchs 1978 later one stand out as other important and relatively early attempts to clarify the ontological issues at stake in foreign policy analysis and international relations. Most constructivist work in ir has attempted to account for very general outcomes in the international system, most notably the wellknown research of alexander wendt. New approaches include the traditional ones that are indispensable for students to know and newer areas such as the role of media, globalisation, and foreign policy change. Pdf the agentstructure problem in international relations theory. In this paper, i explore a range of sociological and anthropological theories that either i stress structural determination, ii stress agency and intentionality, or iii attempt to reconcile both the structural and agential dimensions of social. The main disagreements within fpa fall under what in ir terms could be called the levels of analysis problem, namely whether the focus should be on the.

The gordian knot of agencystructure in international. This exceptionally well organized book will be valuable for a variety of courses in foreign policy and international relations. While neorealism and worldsystem theory both claim to be structural theories of international relations, they embody very different understandings of system structure and structural explanation. Two stories about structure and agency cambridge core. This is an excellent uptodate edition that is an ideal introduction to the subfield of foreign policy analysis. As such, the problem of agency structure may well be a gordian knot that cannot be unravelled or solved. Agents, structures, and german foreign policy after. This books introduction to foreign policy analysis focuses on decision makers and decision making. The london school of economics and political science. The policy analytical framework figure 1 expands on domains i, ii and iii of the cdcs policy process problem identification, policy analysis, and strategy and policy development. Blackwell publishing on behalf of the international studies association stable url. An alternative solution to the agentstructure problem, adapted from structuration theory in. Agency and structure in foreign policy analysis oxford. They may then analyze how various policy ideas and proposals could affect the problem and suggest solutions.

International studies quarterly, 36 september 1992. The agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis authors. Policy content, types, cycles and analysis contents. So rapidly that concerns were voiced from various quarters, and especially in the media, that this was having an adverse effect on the quality of aid. Foreign policy analysis provides superb coverage of the leading approaches to the study of foreign policy and of the major theoretical and methodological debates in the field. Ifpa regularly publishes special reports and monographs on topics of importance to the foreign affairs and security studies communities. The starting point for this analysis is the agencystructure debate. Toward a constructivist approach 3 david patrick houghton part iii. Once a problem is recognized, researchers might attempt to determine its causes.

Countries such as japan, singapore, and hong kong gained massive success by copying successful initiatives from all over the world. Foreign policy analysis fp a is an important subdiscipline of the broader field of international. Carlsnaes the agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis. Foreign policy sources of foreign policy levelof analysis international system level state unit level conclusion qa session outline 3. Issues covered include the agencystructure debate, the role of ideas and discourses in fpa, critiques of neorealism and other mainstream. Structure is the recurrent patterned arrangements which influence or limit the choices and opportunities available. The influence of behaviourism helped to organize the various theories of international relations and the discipline into essentially two principal parts, or perspectives. The agentstructure problem in international relations theory alexander e. These theories assign a dominant role to the structure of the international system, which is viewed as an autonomous and regulatory body. Yet, by starting to take seriously the approaches to agency structure within various neogramscian perspectives, we aim to propel discussion into further avenues within the second wave of the agent structure debate. Oct 09, 2018 this essay is composed of three sections. Foreign policy analysis and the angecystructure debate. The agentstructure issue in foreign policy analysis fpa the. Pdf understanding the structure and agency debate in.

Wendt two theories, neorealism and worldsystem theory, strongly influence con temporary academic discourse about international relations. Why and how should we go for a multicausal analysis in the study of foreign policy. The starting point of this article is the argument that scholars of foreign policyin contrast to international relations theoristshave not sufficiently faced up to the. In outlining such an approach, we draw on two sources with a view to integrate them into a single model. We follow a loose a levelsofanalysis framework to organize our survey of the theoretical literature on the making of foreign policy.

The second is the tension between agency and structure in fpa that emerges once psychology is incorporated into the analytical matrix. Reinvigorating the study of foreign policy decision making. Each chapter is organised around puzzles and questions to which undergraduates can relate. The analytical framework provides a common structure for summarizing the advantages and limitations of the proposed policies, with. Counterterrorism coordinator report finds problems with morale and management that hampered u. The broad definition of the analysis of foreign policy in this book is based upon the scope of the research question to be analyzed, with fp a being viewed as a subdiscipline of ir. The agency structure problem in foreign policy analysis 165 walter carlsnaes 39. David singer is professor of political science at the university of michigan. Analysing french and german discourses on state, nation and europe. And of course, in terms of any form of emancipatory politics understanding these differences is essential.

It did not succeed in changing british or french policy towards neutral ships, so it was replaced by macons bill no. This claim is discussed with reference to four fundamental perspectives in foreign policy analysis, defined in terms of. This chapter examines policy analysis and selected policy models. The levelof analysis problem in international relations j. Metatheoretical rationales and methodological rules. Does the international structure explain foreign policy. The agency structure problem in foreign policy analysis created date.

The theoretical treatment of this problem has a long history in the field of sociological theory, even before it. Both claim to provide structural explanations of how states behave in the international system. After riots in paris in 2005, for example, the council on foreign relations published an analysis that attempted to explain the riots underly. Agentstructure problem 339 planatory relationship between social actors or agents in this case, states6 and societal structures in this case, the international system. Mar 15, 2020 agency problem is a conflict of interest inherent in any relationship where one party is expected to act in the best interest of another. Agency, structure, international relations and foreign. The levelofanalysis problem in international relations. The agentstructure problem in international relations theory article pdf available in international organization 4. Keywords deterrence, discourse analysis, foreign policy analysis, iran, nuclear proliferation, rationality, rational choice theory references abulof, u 20 nuclear diversion theory and legitimacy crisis. On the basis of this suggested solution to the agencystructure problem, the article subsequently elaborates an explanatory framework premised on a morphogenetic conception of the contextually bound nature of the foreign policy behavior of states, arguing that this reconceptualization can incorporate not only.

Institutional isomorphism of anticorruption agency. Criticism leveled at the dominant structural ir theories that failed to predict or explain this profound transformation, and the rise of the debate over the democratic peace, have generated renewed interest in. In academia, foreign policy analysis is most commonly taught within the disciplines of political science or political studies, and international. This chapter examines how actors and structures make foreign policy an extremely complicated field of study and how, in view of this complexity, these actors and structures have been treated in the literature on foreign policy analysis. European countries have suffered from the pandemic, but their southern and eastern neighbors are faring even worsesetting the stage for financial ruin, political instability, and a surge of. The strategy of a state for dealing with the other states systematic way to deal with international issues a policy to promote, protect and. Foreign policy analysts, for example, acknowledge that power relations are important, and force is a major instrument of foreign policy. The agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis author s.

The malpractice of rationality in international relations. This claim is discussed with reference to four fundamental perspectives in foreign policy analysis, defined in terms of ontological and epistemological assumptions regarding the nature of social order and individual action. The agentstructure problem in international relations theory. Foreign policy analysis fpa is a branch of political science dealing with theory development and empirical study regarding the processes and outcomes of foreign policy foreign policy analysis is the study of the management of external relations and activities of state. He outlines a model consisting of three dimensions. The london school of economics and political science mongolian state weakness, foreign policy, and dependency on the peoples republic of china jeffrey reeves a thesis submitted to the department of international relations of the london school of economics for the degree of doctor of philosophy, london, january 2010. At the beginning of our american foreign policy courses, we ask students to score. A given time already wills something implicitly, indicating that a socialstructural transformation is in the process of taking place indeed, in large measure already has taken place. The institute also publishes summary reports on conferences, workshops, special. Agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis. Other articles where foreignpolicy analysis is discussed. Problems and debates in contemporary foreign policy analysis turns the attention away from substance of foreign policy to the question of how such analysis should proceed in the first place. We can define foreign policy as a target, movement style and methods used by a state to realize its national interests outside of its borders.

The agentstructure problem is really two interrelated problems, one on tological and the other epistemological. Foreign policy analysis and in the american political science association foreign policy, and with a distinct isa journal foreign policy analysis. The agencystructure problem in foreign policy analysis. The starting point of this article is the argument that scholars of foreign policyin contrast to international relations theoristshave not sufficiently faced up to the explanatory implications of the agencystructure issue in the philosophy of social science. Monroe doctrine a statement of foreign policy which proclaimed that europe should not interfere in affairs within the united states or in the development of other countries in the western hemisphere.

However, the first problem that one faces in the study of foreign policy is the problem of definition or clear meaning of the term. Foreign policy analysis is a subfield of international relations that has received increased attention since the end of the cold war. The agentstructure issue in foreign policy analysis fpa the macedonian issue. The initiative is undertaken as a geo functional institutionalist project, and this strengthens its feasibility. This book argues that what sets fp a apart from the broader study of ir is the. A pioneer in the effort to render the study of international politics more scientific, his many important works include authorship of deterrence, arms control, and disarmament 1962 and editorship of. Jan 29, 2020 institutional isomorphism emerged in the 1960s and 1970s to show how institutions in different countries develop similarities through imitation. The agency structure problem in foreign policy analysis. Chinas obor as a geofunctional institutionalist project in. Section two gives an explanation as to how the approach can be applied to inform a foreign policy case.

Reflecting the diverse, comparative and multidisciplinary nature of the field, foreign policy analysis provides an open forum for research publication that enhances the communication of concepts and ideas across theoretical, methodological accepting high quality papers relating to all aspects of foreign policy analysis. In short, we are then back with the agencystructure problem, and an. Evaluation policy process model policy cycle 4 problem definition agenda setting policy formulation policy legitimation policy implementation policy evaluation policy change streams of agenda. This website provides a guide for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing policies that can improve health. Realists and foreign policy analysts although foreign policy analysis broadly shares the realist assumption of a statecentric global political system, it diverges from realism in many other respects. Factors that have an influence on policy implementation and the south african. Apr 28, 2014 foreign policy sources of foreign policy levelofanalysis international system level state unit level conclusion qa session outline 3. That association suggests that the question of agency versus structure in international outcomes is settled in fpa in favor of agency. Theories, actors, cases, edited by steve smith, amelia hadfield and tim dunne. In both cases, the significance of structure in the actual analysis of foreign policy is far greater than common conception recognizes. May 24, 2014 this task captures how structure and agency, social and personal variables, indelibly interpenetrate one another. This fits in well with the traditional reluctance of german foreign policy elites to support military action.

Foreign policy forms an important part of international studies. Whether we live in a kantian, lockean, or hobbesian world, for instance, is in a sense a socially constructed thing rather than flowing from some inevitable structure or theory of human nature. Accordingly, a policy is always related to somebodys perceptions of the problem situation. Chapter three outlined what public administration entails and factors that influenced the crafting of the assessment policy and how it is implemented. Firstly, the initiative aims to institutionalize a new international structure paralleling the existing westerndominated one through which china could reorganize its position as an agenda entrepreneur in the world. When used, it is either out of context or entails a different meaning. Evaluation policy and guidelines for evaluations in the first half of the 1970s the budget for development cooperation increased rapidly. The agent structure problem in international relations theory alexander e. Issues covered include the agency structure debate, the role of ideas and discourses in fpa, critiques of neorealism and other mainstream. The first is the debate on the agency structure problem. Uncovering the policy theory or programme logic is a task at this stage. The macedonian issue dr georgios evangelopoulos venue. French foreign and security policy roles under francois hollande.