White patch on discus fish

I dont see a white patch in the pictures, but ill take your word for it. The tiny mites stay on the fishs gills, and attack the fish by feeding on blood and living flesh. Shocking diseases that can take your discus fish to death. Symptoms of ichthyobodo necator formerly called costia necatrix in fish is characterized by flat gray or white patches on the fish s body.

What are these white spots on fishes pectoral fins. If it looks like salt, it sounds more like ich to me. Tetra lifeguard remove filter carbon and turn off uv sterilizer. Bluish white film on body, strained breathing caused by gill damage, peeling skin. White diamond discus will turn pinkish in color if you feed them tetra color bits or foods with astanxanthin, carotene or sweet paprika. We believe our discus fish are the healthiest you can find. This is another of the most deadly discus fish diseases is white spot disease. Day 252 treating sick discus with white spots youtube.

Mar 29, 2019 distinguish white spot disease between freshwater fish and saltwater fish. Although fairly common, its important to address the condition immediately before it can cause much. Infection with ichthyobodo is smooth in appearance. Jun 28, 2010 discus are sensitive fish at the best of times and should really only be added to a long established tank 12 mths imo. Freshwater fish diseases, algae problems, and tank emergencies this is a place to chat about different ailments of freshwater fish, as well as tips on how to control algae, and other topics about keeping your fish tank healthy. White diamond discus fish are also called snow white discus or white swan discus. These bubbles are created so that a female fish can deposit her eggs in it while they incubate and hatch. Sick fish the signs of stress and disease this page contains a list of some signs of stress and disease that you should learn to recognize on your tropical fish and goldfish 1.

The fins look almost transparent resembling a ghost color. This is a major tropical fish disease that troubles discus fish. This disease is caused by the protozoan and it open body ulcers on. To add, the fish has a real rounded body and its so cool and pretty ill be going to the fish shop again to check on that fish. Currently, the tank is being treated with melafix as i recently lost an angel fish that developed white nodules above his eyes and then developed popeye. Clamped fins the fish clamps its fins close against the its body. Symptoms of ichthyobodo necator formerly called costia necatrix in fish is characterized by flat gray or white patches on the fishs body. Identifying and treating the most common cichlid diseases. Any help with identifying the disease that they have would be appreciated.

Angelfish, large white patches over body tropical fish forums. Shocking diseases that can take your discus fish to deaths. You need to take immediate action and treat with medicine to cure this disease. It is much easier to resolve a problem when it first starts, than to attempt a drastic emergency treatment when the fish is close to dying. Discus fish diseases, symptoms, and treatment are important topics of discussion for any aquarist. The white ghost discus is a true eyecatcher in any discus aquarium. This disease is also one of the few diseases that can be transmitted to humans through contact with open wounds or sores. Sometimes, visible symptoms help diagnose diseases. The latest snap of the fish seems to me like the patch got arrested and might be a bit smaller in. I have a discus with very large white spot which seems to be growing on it.

It looks like he wants to,is very interested in food,but just does not eat. The smooth, flat, white patches are caused by excess mucus production by the fish in. Treatment for white patches on fish before you attempt to treat your fish with medication you should check your ph because an extremely high or low ph may cause a fish to produce excess mucus. It looks different from fungus, which usually forms woollike tufts.

Sick fish signs of stress and disease in tropical fish. My discus has a lot of white spots on it, and the other. In both types of water, the protozoan parasite attaches itself to. New dealers and breeders are growing rapidly and even small aquatic shops are stocking a wide range of discus.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Stupidly i never checked the fish over before she bought them. It is very similar to the white diamond discus with the main difference being the color of the fins. Fin clamping is usually a sign of stress in your fish. Messages 2 reaction score 0 points 76 experience just started hi everyone i am new and inexperienced but have done a lot of reading on this invaluable site. Thank you for this video describing recognition and treatment of white spot disease. Generally one or two tablespoons salt, extra water changes and cleaning the tank will help these disappear in about a week. We have a large selection of tropical fish, aquarium equipment, and planted tank supplies available. Sick fish the signs of stress and disease this page contains a list of some signs of stress and disease that you should learn to recognize on your tropical fish and goldfish. Mar 31, 2017 dr richmond loh explains fin fractures can be confused with white spot disease caused by ich parasite, encysted fish fluke metacercariae, and granulomas e. Discus a guide on breeding and caring for these magnificent. Whats the issue that causes large white spots on discus fish. How to treat tropical fish with white spot disease ich. The disease works in the same way for both freshwater and saltwater fish but have different life cycle durations and different cures.

Betta fish are known to be hard and easy to care for fish. Jan 12, 2015 yellow discus fish feeding on frozendried tubifex and brine shrimp duration. The symptoms of this disease typically include loss of appetite, frayed fins, white blotches on the skin and a sunken stomach. Fish mouth rot or mouth fungus, sometimes known as cotton mouth or cotton wool disease, is one of the frequently seen fish diseases in home aquariums. White spot disease is a very common problem in freshwater aquarium fish. The white diamond discus fish is a must have for every discus aquarium. I am new to discus and recently purchased a four inch snakeskin. Price varies according to strain and size, so simply click on the photo of your desired fish and select the size from the option menu to see availability and prices. Discus with white spots on fins and tail by joemc on 23 apr 2010 16. Sep 05, 2019 white spot is caused when a protozoan attacks and attaches itself to a fish s body, fins, and gills. The condition also goes by the name cotton wool disease, characterized by the cotton wool growths on different parts of the affected fish.

Today i have noticed that on both sides of his head, there are these white spothole looking things. Bubble nests are a patch of tiny bubbles that fish blow with their saliva and create a whole bunch of them for reproduction. I cant tell you exactly what it is, but discus seem to get these little cottony spots when they are under stress and the water isnt clean enough. Im going with full dose today and i also tried giving. This fish is a bright white color that will stand out among the discus aquarium. Discus fish needs proper tank conditions to stay healthy and happy.

Water quality is at 0 ppm for ammonia and nitrite and 20 ppm for nitrate. I know of many hobbyists who started out with discus simply because they were mystified by them. Discus fish diseases, symptoms, and treatment 2020. Fish has a white patch or growth on the mouth or fins. White spot is caused when a protozoan attacks and attaches itself to a fish s body, fins, and gills. This is a major tropical fish disease that troubles discus fish breeders to no end.

Each spot is actually a tiny parasite called protozoan. I dont know if it is a fungus or a bacteria plaque. When we got them home i noticed that one of them has a very large white patch on its side, it didnt look too bad at first as the lights where off in the tank and i could only get a glimpse of them through the bag. Flachen discus solid turquoise flachen snakeskin discus. Once there, you can click on the photo again to have a closer look at the discus of your choice. Irish fish forum view topic discus with white spots on. White spots on discus fish are a protozoan parasite combined with fungal infection, and should be treated as such. Couple of my tank fish have developed white patches on their. Wattley discus affordable wild and hybrid discus fish. I just set up a 55g discus tank, and added my first two discus along with two rams and bleeding and those pink stripe tetras not sure there name they have been in the tank for 3 days now and today i noticed my blue diamond has a white patch by his fin, it kind of looks like a scrap but im not sure, he doesnt seem to want to eat anything either.

Youve not mentioned the size of the tank or the maturity of the tank, obviously the larger the tank the more stable, however, you do mention plants, ive currently got an amazon biotope with discus in a full planted tank with co2 system and finding the balance was a pain, it could be if the fish were suffering like this when you turned the. It is called mouth fungus by most people because sometimes it looks like mold or a cotton patch. The ich or the white spot disease is a disease that is caused by a protozoan named ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The orange one show some white patch on his body, maybe excess slime. Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in asia is a major industry. We pioneered the discus fish hobby and have over 60 years of experience breeding and raising the finest quality discus fish you can find. These solid white discus are a great strain to have in your. If anyone could help i would greatly appreciate it. Jan 23, 2020 i dont see a white patch in the pictures, but ill take your word for it.

Dr richmond loh explains fin fractures can be confused with white spot disease caused by ich parasite, encysted fish fluke metacercariae, and granulomas e. Chart on fish diseases, symptoms and their treatments. I scooped it from the tank in case its something contagious,but it did have a small amount attached. Experienced aquarists use this to quickly spot problems with their fish. If you found your betta fish turning white, then there is a high chance of fungal infections. Most aquarium owners will encounter white spot disease. For this reason alone they are not recommended for the beginner aquarist. Dec 21, 2008 youve not mentioned the size of the tank or the maturity of the tank, obviously the larger the tank the more stable, however, you do mention plants, ive currently got an amazon biotope with discus in a full planted tank with co2 system and finding the balance was a pain, it could be if the fish were suffering like this when you turned the. Another explanation could be that the white foamy bubbles on your tanks surface are actually bubble nests.

It is so common that i ran into it during my first year of aquarium fish keeping. Tuberculosis is a highly contagious and, unfortunately, frequently fatal aquarium fish disease. I know people are probably getting sick of me saying this, but it couldnt hurt to treat with some melafix. Couple of my tank fish have developed white patches on their body hi first off, i am new to fishkeeping, so i request you all to please explain your responses thoroughly so i can take better care of my fish. The next morning they both appeared to be moving around more, no more clamped fins, the white had almost completely burnt away and they decided to finally snack out on some bloodworm. How to treat tropical fish with white spot disease. Fungus white a bacteria, flexobacter chondrococcus columnaris. Nov 18, 2019 tuberculosis is a highly contagious and, unfortunately, frequently fatal aquarium fish disease.

Fish has fuzzy white or or grey cottonwool patches on the mouth, skin or fins. Jack wattley discus fish affordable wild and hybrid. White spot disease ichthyophthirius multifiliis, or ich is one of the most common parasitic diseases affecting tropical fish. White spot is caused when a protozoan attacks and attaches itself to a fishs body, fins, and gills. White spot on discus tropical fish forums at the age of. Cotton fin fungus is a condition that typically affects aquarium fish with weak immune systems. Ciliated or flagellated protozoans can also cause white spots on the fins. The fishes has some kind of a really small white dot and torn fins.

Discus are considered to require a higher level of care than other aquarium fish. Successful treatment of fish mouth rot mouth fungus. This is precursor to the classic discus plague when the fish are weak they will get attacked by opportunistic pathogens. During spawning the fish doesnt darken in color making it very difficult for the fry to find the parents for. It is getting increasingly easier to keep discus aquarium fish with new technology that improves water quality and discus fish health which could be the cause of the rise in demand. Its been my goto med for a few years now, and i havent lost a fish to an illness since. Maintaining only 20 percent water changes weekly with power under gravel and overhead filters. Disease symptoms the free freshwater and saltwater.

Discus are colorful, graceful and charismatic tank inhabitants. Distinguish white spot disease between freshwater fish and saltwater fish. The disease is caused by the ciliate protozoan ichthyophthirius multifiliis, commonly. A light grey cottony growth or patch on any part of the fish. Velvet disease is not normally a popular problematic parasite in a discus tank. I have recently noticed that white patches are appearing on 2 of my four discus.

However, that does not mean that diseases cannot affect them. Sick fish signs of stress and disease in tropical fish and. I just set up a 55g discus tank, and added my first two discus along with two rams and bleeding and those pink stripe tetras not sure there name they have been in the tank for 3 days now and today i noticed my blue diamond has a white patch by his fin, it kind of looks like a scrap but im not sure, he doesnt seem to want to eat anything. Bluishwhite film on body, strained breathing caused by gill damage, peeling skin. In both types of water, the protozoan parasite attaches itself to fish in order to carry out its life cycle. If caught early treatment can cure the fish in 3 to 4 days, but if left untreated then a longer treatment period is needed to reach a cure or death of the discus fish, sometime 10 to 15 days, so its important to catch and treat early. I noticed a small white patch, not fuzzy, on his left side. The white ghost discus are very difficult to breed and as a result yield a higher price tag than most other discus. Needless to say, some have had bad experiences, their.

Signs will begin with the discus fish rubbing against objects in the tank, and later with the visual appearance of white spot on the fish. Well the discus in question to my knowledge has still not eaten. They are very damaging to the fish and can cause breathing and mobility problems and even death. This strain of discus is very difficult to breed due to its white coloration.

A white cottony growth or patch on any part of the fish. How to treat white spots on discus fish macs discus. Angelfish, large white patches over body tropical fish. Unfortunately, it is also a very persistent disease. Does anyone know what this white patch could be on the catfish. White patch increasing discus everything aquatic forum. This article covers how to identify and treat this common tropical fish ailment. If youre having problems keeping your fish healthy, or the fish dont seem to be well, of you have some other type of emergency, this is the discussion board to post in. This is a very small parasite, and looks like small white spots, or very fine dusting of white powder over the body of the fish, and one of the reasons discus can turn black. If you are looking for quality discus fish, you have come to the right place.

If the cause of your fish s skin cloudiness is due to ichthyobodo or one of the other 2 parasites mentioned, turning up the temperature to 8386 degrees. Yellow discus fish feeding on frozendried tubifex and brine shrimp duration. The white spots that appear look like grains of salt or sugar, but each one is actually a tiny parasite. This is a very small parasite, and looks like small white spots, or very fine dusting of white powder over the body of the fish, and one of the reasons discus can. Couple of my tank fish have developed white patches on. However, some diseases and infections can occur even in an ideal environment. Fish that are already infested by gill mites are brought into aquariums.